Free Income Tax Assistance Available on Campus at HVCC

Troy, NY (02/13/2024) — Hudson Valley Community College is working with the United Way of the Greater Capital Region for the second straight year to host Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA), a national program where community members can work, for free, with IRS-certified volunteers to prepare their federal and state tax returns.

Again this year, some of the volunteers will be Hudson Valley Community College students studying in the Accounting or Business Administration programs, who will gain valuable experience.

VITA will be in the Bulmer Telecommunications Center, Room 216, from 1 - 3:30 p.m. on the following dates:

VITA is open to all students, staff and surrounding community members who qualify. Eligibility requirements include:


You must make an appointment. You can schedule your appointment on the United Way of the Greater Capital Region webpage by selecting the Hudson Valley Community College site.